I'm so so Sorry about my blog eh.. It nearly hmm died? haha.. okaY!
FIrst of ALL, I hate my term test results.. so so despressing.. haha I must have studying spirit like during those old time again man.. ( O lvl period )
Secondly Cheerleading practise has getting more and more fun.. i'm learning new stunts and new stuff! Futhermore I CAN DO FRONT/ForwarD FLIPS!! although its not that perfect but I CAN do it!! haha!
Thirdly, TPSU SUB comm Camp! I guess my expectation are just too high.. =(. Only the last few hours of the camp were as FUN as FOC (freshmen orientation camp)( wobble!) ahha.. The funny thing, i tried to trick everyone in my team/group.. During the introduction, i told them my name is ZACH.. HAha And ALL of them was like normal! haha.. they believe me! haha.. but there are some ppl in my group who knows my real name(kaistor people).. It feels damn awkward la.. my groupmate calling me zach.. haha zach.. lols.. The second day of the camp, my real name leak out.. but some of them still couldnt believe it.. I'm MAlay! haha.. Some of them even spoke to me in mandarin.. aiya.. funny la.. haha
Lastly.. This is my ferst time sleeping for 13 hours eversince the start of poly life! haha.. nice man.. i'l all fresh! except for the part i haven bathe yet. haha =))
Have you seen my girl?
Friday, June 22, 2007
You Are 96% Homophobic
You're incredibly homophobic. Let's hope that no one gay crosses your path.
Seriously, though, you're quite angry. Maybe it's really you that's the problem.
hahas.. wth.. i'm the problem? totaly uncool la.. sigh.. hah
Have you seen my girl?
Saturday, June 16, 2007
blog blog blog
Hello Friends! Sigh.. i guess i won't be bloggin just yet. Its HOLIday man!! =)
THANKS FOR THE TAGs! even tho some ...
Have you seen my girl?
Friday, June 1, 2007
Damn! shit this body of mine.. Its so weak la.. 2 days ago.. i've been having some vomitting scenes and sometimes some minor diarrhoea... Shit food poisoning? maybe.. Menses? haha! Or pregnancy? oh LOL! hahas.. damn la..
Public holiday which is yesterday, i was suppose to go out with Zubair, Mark and heri but stupid body of mine.. That morning around 4 to 5am, i woke up and the moment i turn and drop to the floor, i vomit that yestreday's lunch.. oh lol! ( lunch.. i ate nothing after that..) About an hour later, i vomited Again.. oh damn shit u weak body..
Sigh.. And now, i think i'm having flu.. I cant stop sneezing man.. Maybe some cute chicks cant seem to stop talking about me.. hahas. oh lol! aiya! okay la! Term test coming! see u guys soon!
Have you seen my girl?
Haziq Is No Cheena
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always have an objective in mind.
Currently into Music.Art.Life.