Sometimes, when I look back and think of all thecould-have-beens in my lifeI often wonder: Did I make the right choice… Did I miss a road sign… Am I on the right track…
C R O S S R O A D S…They happen all the time,Saying goodbye to some,Choosing only one. Letting go,holding on…settling for now But facing what must come…Yes, in life we all reach a crossroad sometime.We make painful decisions and take some risks as wepursue our dreams.But one should not stay at the CROSSROADS too long.For even the birds have to leave their nests sometime& learn how to fly.Life’s road is long & rough & there are stretcheswhen one has to do it all alone. And should you meet the cross at the road, be consoled.Yes, more often than not, the road less travelledwill surely bring you home. Face the light and the shadow falls behind you.Turn your back & the shadow stays in front of you.Indeed, the truth hurts, but it will surely set you free.The bitter pangs of parting will give birth toanother moment called GROWING.So grow on…until it’s time for you to move on….And face the crossroads again,Knowing that GOD Loves you & is in control of everything.Be strong at the crossroads.
Life is Beautiful…
Knowing that GOD Is Always there for YOU
At Any C R O S S R O A D S…
Have you seen my girl?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
holiday's Photos!!
The bee hive! ps: some ppl said dat my hair looks like a bee hive.. so bad! =X
awww.. look so sweet... =))
hafiz & Isha!
Sadly they wore RED!!! =D
the View..)(()
DAD and SIS!!!
Putra Mosque.. Amazingly cool!
The Sun is So bright!
my cousins cousins in KL! there shud be 1 more family but i guess they went home.. awww..
At the japanese tea housE!
Pose For HAfiz!
Khalisha, (hafiz crush).. hafiz, my younger brother!
Ice creamm!!!! woooos/
My parents are overreacting.. look at my mom.. and dad! hahas..
pose pose ..! ^^
wow! see that arrow! pointing at the coolest guy ever.. =P
hahas.. After swimming and all.. man.. i am super hungry! Sori teddy bear .. i think i crushed u.. lols..
Smile =D
The so called water world! yeah.. my dad's back..
My Family!!! =))
Boo yaa.. =/
Have you seen my girl?
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
YES! Finally AT HOME!! Sigh... OKAY!!
Kuala Lumpur = Sucky!!
CNY! , we(family) went for a 4days 3nights trip to Malaysia... And TOUr bus!! TOur Guide!! lols.. First time going somewhere with a tour guide! but the sad thing is that, THE TOUR GUIDE IS SUPER @#$KING LAME!! None of us made any sound or anything while she laugh at her own jokes.. lols..!
IN the bus, alot of kids.. not much teenagers and aunties and uncles! And there's this weird girl in the bus as well.. I repeat; And there's this weird girl in the bus as well..
Saturday! We went to "the lost world" (its a so called water world la.. but its pathetic.. Dun even stand a chance if it were to compare with A'famosa.)
Swim here and there.. slide abit and off we go.. 3 hours i think? okay nvm..
From here onwards i'll just comment uhh..
there are lots of small little cockroaches IN THE HOTEL ROOM and EVEN THE TOILET!!
At first i thought that Kuala Lumpur is a much better place compared to other places like malacca, johor and etc BUT i was wrong even tho its the capital of the country..
In KL, The roads are SUCKY!! (not well organise, very small) Some buildings ARE ALmost RUN DOWN!! (spoil the View man.. And the Petronas tower is just behind) There are even run down, KAmpong houses in KL!!
"Tourism Malaysia"?? omg..! KL is so so so sucky....
And the hotel i'm staying is PAthetic, no Entertainment room at all
THe lift buttons are spoiled( the closing door button)
Haix... But the mountains are cool.. The Rabbit park, cool too.. Yeah.. Gonna upload some of the pics..!
Have you seen my girl?
Friday, February 16, 2007
happy happy!
yay! happy!! i bought, CREATIVE ZEN V PLUS 8GB!!! AND CREATIVE ZEN AURVANA!! hahas.. wow.. it cost alot man... hmm..
some people said dat getting a PSP is better but i think PSP is toooo bulky man.. Can u put Psp inside ur jeans pocket ?? yeah! go for the design!!
Have you seen my girl?
Goyang! ( means shake shake or should i say vibrate..! ) =P
wahs! Today was abit scary man.. It happened so fast.. READ ON! Working as per normal as the health screening thing and today's place is at Biopolis street (near buona vista) I was the usher for today, i did slack here and there and most of the time i was walking to and fro.. hahas.. like Floater( if u are the floater, u nid to walk around and if any stations need help, floater must help )
yadayadayada and its 11am plus plus..
since today was not busy, not as many people as the day before, i went to the blood taking station as per normal, help settle the urine, stools and at times help to arrange the blood tubes.. At that moment, one of our colleague ( he has been with Dayspring for 3 yrs i guess?) went to rajesh(the blood sucker!/ daylight vampire! or should i say phleBotomist ) and he wanted a favour.. To check his blood and rajesh agreed to do it and tada he got it for free.. I was like wah! serious? yeah..
I love looking at ppl's impression when their blood is about to be taken.. At times, the blood were taken on the top part of the patient's hand due to the fact dat their veins is not popping out on the arm... its pain!!
OKAY BACK TO storY! its start here! I was asking and talking to rajesh la about blood, blood taking den out of sudden, she ....
Rajesh: have u had any test to test Hep B?
Me: erm.. i dun noe?? no? i guess?
Rajesh:Yani, get me a tube.. ( She took out one of her needle and getting ready )
me: ( OMG! Is she for real??) i said no no! i hate needles.. (lols..)
Rajesh: Can the two of u pull him over to me and make sure he dont move..
me: ahh?!? wahh! (they push/ pull me and in the end i was seated next to the table.. my hand was being put onto the table and she took out this small piece of tissue, (the alcohole one) and wipe on my arm.. I was SO shaken i SHAke alot.. haha.. REally sia.. scary man.. i dun like needles!!
Rajesh:Dont worry it wont hurt.. and She told me to turn to my right and she poke the needle into my skin, into my vein..
me: DAM SHIT! IT huuu.. eh? It doesnt hurt at all?? i dun feel a thing?? so i turn back and my blood was being pull nito the tube.. cool man.. if only i could have remain calm and took some pics... but too bad after all that has ended i took a pic of it.. (free heb B check up.. haha.. if i haven eat a single thing, as in fast for 8 hrs , she can do more test like the glugose, cholesterol lvl and etc etc..
hahas.. wad an experience man.. i am scared of needle NO MORE! thank u rajesh..
Lols.. yani is weird... =P
Have you seen my girl?
Monday, February 12, 2007
Okay! i am back ya.. hmm.. i am tired! but also i feel like... hmm, lets just say i just wanna work for 1 job only lahs.. But something inside of me, cant stop telling me to just go for it.. there's more giordano! Just a call away and i'm in it.. sigh... And Cisco too, the person called me already and i just nid to confirm the appointment with them and i can start work as per normal as a Cash processing officer.. (Yesterday Yesterday, i was on my way back from NUS and den kamarul called me, so i join him la for the interview.. and Just now tat person called me.. hahs! but i have a feeling, i'm tired man... the basic pay is like $800 and we have to work for at least 44 hours a week.. So yada yada yada, its 4.50 an hour like dat.. without the allowance and stuff)
Back to main story.. yeah!! no more GIOrdano!! At last, the warehouse sales has finaly ended(its like a week ago)..! So from NUS i dun nid to go to Paya Lebar anymore.. Giordano was fun, ended up having alot of Giordano shirts.. haha.. ^^ And because of Giordano too, i've been aware of all the people around me.. This awareness after working with those clothes, i keep observing ppl's shirts and jeans.. lols! almost everyday i see giordano shirts, in mrts la, in busses la.. everywhere.. =) Those ppl at giordano, were very friendly.. especially the Terris,, "transformer, robots in disguise!! " haha.. tat lame guy.. ferst day of work he sang this, AFTER justin came to my place.. Meaning, the moment justin came, he sang dat song.. Meaning justin has a hmm charm or shud i say effect when working with guys... hahas! gay magneT!
DAyspring turn uhh.. And u noe wad, i WAS PROMOTED!! TO BEING CASHIER!! Err actuali not quite promoted la.. but i did cashier JUST NOW!! instead of those BMI, and Blood pressure.. And i miss NUS, going to Nus early in the morning, den meet up almost everybody especially on saturday.. meeting ppl like terris to kai shian to Xvan to Cherly to Wei wei and many more laa.. Some of them quiting... suspending... sigh... kaishian also leaving back to melbourne.. sigh wad a day.. But nvm.. i Think i just go on with this health screening job unless a super good one appears..
One very funny guy approaches when i was doing the eye check.. haziq:Good morning Sir, can u stand on the Yellow box and hold this to cover ur Rightt eye.. Guy: Umm, can i cheat? and he like smile* haziq:err.. canot! haha (i was like errr )
he did quite well for his eyecheck and i came to him since he's not wearing any specs.. so i ask him.
haziq:Btw do u wear any lenses?? guy:Nope. haziq:R u cheating?? ( i started to join in) guy: uh. Look into my eyes~~( and he starts opening his eye big big) ( omg like crazy sia.. haha) haziq: err okay oaky! i see nothing... u can go to the queue number station now..
hahas.. lols weird guy.. okay la! i continue later la!
Have you seen my girl?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
sorry guys for waiting so long..
I am sori guys for not updating for so long and to my darling too(blog)..
okay! heres a bunch of Pics of my working with Dayspring at nus.. later on at night i post up a super long post! yeah!
Have you seen my girl?
Haziq Is No Cheena
Always look on the bright side of life!
Always have an objective in mind.
Currently into Music.Art.Life.